Satan Masquerades as an Angel of Light!


2 Corinthians 11:14 - Satan Masquerades as an Angel of Light

For my devotional reading today I focused on the danger that our enemy, Satan, presents to us in our lives and walk with God.

I first looked at what Ignatius wrote to the churches in Asia. He made a point that’s particularly relevant to having victory against the enemy – as Believers we need to exercise discernment, “guarding ourselves by foreseeing and avoiding the snares of the devil.” 

A snare is a trap that’s inviting – it’s baited with something nice/good to draws-in its prey. But, in the end, it tangles up the prey and ultimately kills. The snares of our enemy are intended to tangle us up in sin, pulling us off-course in our walk with God, ultimately leading to our spiritual shipwreck.

Ignatius said we need to guard ourselves – we do this by foreseeing and actively avoiding the snares/traps that Satan sets. The Bible says the devil is a mighty enemy; he is stronger than us (we only have victory through the Lord). 2 Corinthians 11:14 says Satan masquerades as an angel of light.

Jesus described the devil as “The Pernicious One” (John 17:15, Matt. 6:13). For Jesus to call Satan “Pernicious” is critical to helping us understand the enemy that’s out to try and destroy us.

Jesus’ description reveals that the devil is highly strategic. He’s subtle as he works to achieve injurious & destructive effects within our lives, with an ultimate aim of destroying us. A practical example, of “Pernicious” would be a harmful poison gas that goes unnoticed, causing subtle illness in those exposed to it over the course of years, ultimately leading to their death.

Satan is extremely crafty and smart! So, the traps he sets for us won’t be totally obvious to us. Instead, he’ll use bait that appeals to us – to draw us in and tangle us up in his deadly trap.

But, as Believers, we’re given spiritual discernment through our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ; the Spirit of God enables us to foresee the snares that Satan sets for us. 

It’s not easy to turn away from the snares; they appeal to our weaknesses. But there’s encouragement!  

We can pray and ask the Lord to give us the strength and to deliver us from the Pernicious One. When our heart’s desire is to glorify God, He will empower us to turn away from the appealing snares that Satan is setting in our path.

-Brandon (March 19, 2024)

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