The Indwelling Life of Christ

This afternoon I read the introduction to Major Ian Thomas' devotional, The Indwelling Life of Christ (ISBN: 9781590525241). It was a good reminder; an important reminder that being a Christian isn't an intellectual exercise. Christianity isn't a philosophical system, nor is it a system of thought that we try and implement, ourselves, to "fix" ourselves. It's none of that.

Instead, being a Christain is literally (it's actually) a supernatural even and a new reality whereby we have been spiritually born and we truly (not metaphorically) experience the indwelling presence of the life and power of Jesus Christ to live our earthly lives to the glory of God. As Ian Thomas writes, "...only Christ is capable of living the Christian life, for the very obvious and simple reason that He is the Christian Life...".

We can live purposely - trading our own poverty and weaknesses (rooted in our fallen nature), exchanging it for Christ's strength in our earthly life (today; right now). When we invite Jesus to dwell in and live through us, through the Cross of Christ, we experience "a treasury of purpose and truth and wisdom...found only in the person of Jesus Christ..".

~Brandon (Feb. 12, 2024).

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